Lisa MartenMay 22, 2022When Business Intersects With MinistryI would love to share a story of how my art business intersected with art ministry (which can be a frequent occurance for me). This is a...
Lisa MartenJun 17, 2020The Peacemaker Paradoxpeace·mak·er /ˈpēsˌmākər/ noun: peacemaker; plural noun: peacemakers; noun: peace-maker; plural noun: peace-makers a person who brings...
Lisa MartenJun 14, 2020Art Ministry in the Age of Global Pandemic and UnrestBy now most of the world has been in various stages of lock down, quarantine, social distancing, and re-opening throughout the last few...
Lisa MartenDec 23, 2019Painting My ProcessAs an artist who is dedicated to ministering to others through creativity in all various settings multi-culturally and ecumenically, I...
Lisa MartenSep 13, 2019Jet Lag and Time Travel: Re-entry and DebriefTraveling from country to country, continent to continent, across oceans and land masses around this tiny planet we call home that spins...